In two to ten minutes each weekend, Thoughts From The Mountaintop will bring you insights to inspire with actionable bite-sized lessons. This book is the perfect companion for anyone looking beyond norms, looking for life’s unwritten rules to living a fulfilling life, and anyone guided by spiritual principles or Christian values. Bill Sutton, Jr’s words transcend denominations or faiths while stemming from Biblical principles and life experience. Each thoughtapplicablyapplicably is broken down applicably to all. Some pray one way, then speak and believe the opposite way applicable in any faith; this value can help you ponder your own life & inspire better days. These lessons are shared to benefit people from any background.
If you’re ready to learn, act & reflect, you’ll love Thoughts From The Mountaintop. Author Bill Sutton, Jr., enjoys learning through entertainment with applicable lessons, and from his lessons, he enjoys sharing it similarly. He tries to incorporate stories, analogies, humor, and movie or song lines into his weekly thoughts to share easily applicable lessons to benefit your life. In response to many inquiries on how he comes up with his weekly ideas to share, he shares from life experiences. He says, “Experience is the best teacher, if we learn from our experiences… many of those experiences have been mistakes I have made. Mistakes are meant to guide you, not define you. If you want to avoid a lot of hard knocks, learn from the mistakes of others!… But more than anything else, I come up with my ideas for my thoughts by being still and listening… Sometimes ideas come at the strangest times; even sometimes in a dream or a random thought in the middle of the night. But the best place for me is during my memory on the mountaintops. God knows how I learn, and He uses nature, quiet times, ideas, and my memory to teach me, and then to show me how to apply the lesson.”
This is not a traditional devotional. Most writings in that category give you a daily lesson, which is valuable, yet it’s easy to fall behind by missing a day. The author, Bill Sutton, shared thoughts monthly and suggested reading a couple of sections each week. There are one hundred thoughts, designed with eight per month. December has additional thoughts shared with twelve readings total for the author’s favorite month, the Christmas season. With that, these books are great seasonal gifts for family and friends: “It’s better to read the January Thoughts in January, instead of July”, suggests Bill.
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